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Its Safer to eat a chicken burger!

Some poor girl went into McDonalds thinking she'd be healthy and instead of having two burgers she had several pots of their 'healthy' salad and now she looks like this!

Im Lovin It

I swear i do not know this women and i am sure even though she is slightly.... large.. that she has a sparkling personality!

  Couples and there territory

Have you noticed that as soon as summer dawns on good old England the parks, public toilets and school corridors are suddenly filled with ass caressin couples? well i have and i am thoroughly annoyed at this behaviour!

Not only do u have to move aside when walkin becos it would be just dreadful if they became unattached for one mili second, but if you dare look at anything but your shoes for a moment u realise you are face to face with a snogging pair of teens, which then leads to accusement of being a perve!

Well i would like to suggest a few improvements for those who are less fortunate and only have themselves and a huge galaxy bar to keep warm at night. My first suggestion would be to carry a broom around with you where ever you go and then when you see a couple approaching you can simply hit them with the stick! Another more civilised approach would be to simply where a blindfold and fumble around the town centre until u realise you've been mislead into a rather grotesque public toilet! Harsh i know :)

Fiddlers Elbow

The Fiddlers Elbow was once a quiet place....... but as the band Yello Snow entered along with their many followers(which was quite a few) it turned into a mad house of screaming teens.

The problem was tat the parents had to smuggle quite a few into the pub, including myelf and Holly!


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My Mateyz!!!!!

I dont have enough time to name all my girlie friends otherwise i would never EVER get this website finished so i shall just say this:

My girl friends are the most important thing in the world to me and i couldnt live without them. We'v been through quite alot in our group whether it b pervy men chattin us up or spilled tears over family members and we'v always been together, and even though we may loose touch in the future i just want u to know now that i love you all with all my heart and i hope that you find a happy life in the future!

To all my boy mates i would like to say that i love you too! even though you are not always as emotional as us girlies you still play a big part in this movie and i would never have got through these past four years at Sawtry if it were'nt for the stupid stunts you've pulled that made me chuckle xxx 

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This is Yello Snow

Thats Sam , Wordy, Mike and Lewis

XoXClubbing on HolsXoX

This is a picture of me and my mateyz on hols in spain. thank god they got a descent pic of me clubbin when i wasnt totaly pissed off my face!

i had to get carried home twice on that hols.... wat a light wait but a gd way to pull lads!

P.S. after shock.. the pink kind is pure evil!